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Why Rent With Us

Infinity Property Specialists is an agency with a diverse team who truly understand the expectations of property investors and what is required to keep your greatest asset running smoothly. The reason why? We have our own rental properties and we all expect maximum returns on our investments without any problems or surprises. Our philosophy is focused around clear, honest and transparent communication and personal approach to tenants and owners alike ensures smooth sailing with your investments. We work closely with property investors and landlords to ensure they are maximising the performance of their greatest assets.


Our goal is to achieve the best possible price for your property in the shortest time possible, to approved quality tenants.

When selecting a property manager you need to choose someone who knows the law and is confident in applying it.


More importantly, you need someone who will pay attention to the finer details, while continually striving to maximise the return on your investment. Education, ongoing training programs and seminars are also important for a property manager to keep abreast of changing legislation and market conditions.


Property management is no longer just collecting the rent; it is a comprehensive management service where you need a professionally trained property manager. Whether you’re just around the corner, or you’re partnering with us from interstate, you know you can rely on your IPS to get the most out of your investment.

White Living Room

Get The Most Out Of Your Investment

Good management is crucial to optimise the success of your investment property. We can support you to
achieve premium outcomes with trusted advice, understanding, and a comprehensive suite of services.


At Infinity Property Specialists, ensuring our Landlords receive a reliable income stream, excellent capital growth and the best returns possible is paramount to us. Our team understands how to navigate the many complications involved in property management. Whether it's building an excellent marketing campaign for your property, conducting a comprehensive tenant screening process to reduce the likelihood of problem tenants, managing your financial accounts & providing regular reports, or staying abreast of constantly changing legal requirements — appointing IPS as your property manager means your investment property is in safe hands.


Maximise your returns with our expertise on your side.


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